Thursday, October 8, 2009

Im supposed to be working really hard on something right now. Some class Im stuggling in lingers as just another bad grade right around the corner. But tonight, I find myself oddly relaxed. As a member of this AP English class, I assume most of you who will read this blog are top notch students. The kind of students who have been getting those A's all their lives. Students who feel the pressure they put on themselves, the pressure from their parents, and the pressure of the bright futures ahead of them. However, I encourage all of you, and myself, to breathe. I was walking to my car after school today. The ground seemed to shake under every step. I had been caring around the weight of two possibly failed quizes in my chest all day, and I felt if I could only get to the car before the tears got the best of me, I could consider this day a success. I could feel the sun warming my cheeks but as I passed every person on the sidewalk, I felt like they were looking right through my skin into the pathetic mess I was inside. It was embarassing and I felt uncomfortable as myself, a feeling I only experience when I let myself breakdown in front of others. As I looked to my car with the hope of a sanctuary, I saw my little sister. She was leaned against the car, waiting for me to unlock it. I think she sensed the panic in my eyes as I approached. She simply said, "Just one of those days, huh?". It was hard to hold anything in as I cried to her driving home. She listened reverently, only interjecting when I was lost for words. Finally, when I was done telling my sob story she said, "You still got me, you big baby" I know... that laugh you let out when you dont feel like crying anymore. Its often snaughty and gross, but offers a sweet sense of relief. I realized that although she was just trying to soothe me, even if for only a moment, I would always have my sister. Not only would I always have my sister, I would always have my brother. And my good friends, and my cousins, and my boyfriend. And I could always know that if I always tried to do best by them and by me, I would have love in this world. And really, what more is there?

1 comment:

  1. that is so cute Ryan.

    and i know just how you feel...although I am not an all A student (wish i were!)
